

区分 氏名
大学院生 中川 隆太郎    Nakagawa Ryutaro
大学院生 梅田 和也    Umeda Kazuya
大学院生 増山 貴英    Masuyama Takahide
大学院生 横田 優 Yokota Suguru
大学院生 佐野 達也    Sano Tatsuya
大学院生 中塚 健吾    Nakatsuka Kengo
大学院生 真水 鉄也    Mamizu Tetsuya
大学院生 水野 修    Mizuno Osamu
大学院生 大南 尚 Ominami Sho
大学院生 田崎 貴成 Tasaki Takanari
大学院生 立谷 陽介 Tachiya Yosuke
大学院生 中村 泰斗 Nakamura Taito
大学院生 福永  稔 Fukunaga Minoru


  • 廣澤 暁 Hirosawa Akira
Relationship between the bilateral ratios of the thoracic shape and electromyographic activity of the thoracic and lumbar iliocostalis muscles during thoracic lateral translation.
J Phys Ther Sci. 35(3):185-192. 2023
  • 中村 千晶   Nakamura Chiaki
Distribution of calcitonin gene-related peptide and vascular endothelial growth factor in the mouse lung at the embryonic and postnatal stages.
Int. J. Morphol. 41(1):45-50. 2023.
  • 佐藤 俊彦  Sato Toshihiko
The interrelationship between three-dimensional foot mobility and bodyweight bearing.
J Phys Ther Sci. 35(3):199-203. 2023
  • 小室 成義  Komuro Naruyoshi
Relationship between the thoracic asymmetry in standing position and the asymmetry of ankle moment in the frontal plane during gait.
J Phys Ther Sci. 2023 Jan;35(1):18-23. 2023
  • 澤田 伊央里 Sawada Iori
Sawada I, Sato I, Kawata S, Nagahori K, Omotehara T, Yakura T, Li ZL, Itoh M.
Characteristic expression of CGRP and osteogenic and vasculogenic markers in the proximal and distal regions of the rib during male mouse development.
Ann Anat. 240:151883. 2022
  • 白井 隆之 Shirai Takayuki
Training on skin flap elevation in hand surgery using cadavers embalmed by the saturated salt solution method: effectiveness and usefulness
Anat Sci Int. 97(3):283-289. 2022
  • 荒牧 隼浩 Aramaki Yoshihiro
Aramaki Y, Kakizaki F, Kawata S, Omotehara T, Itoh M.
Effects of the posterior pelvic tilt sitting posture on thoracic morphology and respiratory function.
J Phys Ther Sci. 33(2):118-124. 2021
  • 古賀 慎太郎 Koga Shintaro
Koga S, Sato I, Li ZL, Miyaso H, Kawata S, Itoh M.
Analysis of the mylohyoid nerve in elderly Japanese cadavers for dental implant surgery.
Clin Exp Dent Res. 7(1):20-32. 2021
  • ミリシャット・セミ Mierxiati Saimi
Saimi M, Moriya S, Li ZL, Miyaso H, Nagahori K, Kawata S, Omotehara T, Ogawa Y, Hino H, Miyazawa K, Sakabe K, Itoh M.
Cytonuclear estrogen receptor alpha regulates proliferation and migration of endometrial carcinoma cells.
Tokai J Exp Clin Med. 46(1):7-16. 2021
  • 佐藤 珠実 Sato Tamami
内田 珠実, 宮宗 秀伸, 河田 晋一, 佐藤 巌, 伊藤 正裕.
形態科学24(2). 2021
  • 永堀 健太 Nagahori Kenta
Nagahori K, Hirai S, Hatayama N, Kuramasu M, Omotehara T, Kawata S, Li Z, Miyaso H, Ogawa Y, Qu N, Terayama H, Hayashi S, Yi SQ, Naito M, Itoh M.
Heat shock protein A4L is a potent autoantigen for testicular autoimmunity in mice.
J Reprod Immunol. 145:103318. 2021
  • 滝口 昌親 Takiguchi Masachika
Takiguchi M, Sato I, Li ZL, Miyaso H, Kawata S, Itoh M.
Characteristics of mandibular canal branches related to nociceptive marker.
J Dent Res. 100(6):623-630. 2021
  • 松田 博之 Matsda Hiroyuki
Matsuda H, Sato I, Asaumi R, Omotehara T, Kawata S, Nagahori K, Li ZL, Itoh M.
Comparison of CGRP distributions in the maxillary sinus and trigeminal ganglion between elderly dentulous and edentulous humans.
Eur J Histochem. 65(2):3234. 2021
  • 野池 勝利 Noike Katsutoshi
東医大誌 78(1): 29-36. 2020
  • 猪俣 徹 Inomata Toru
Inomata T, Miwa Y, Kawata S, Omotehara T, Sato I, Itoh M.
Immunohistochemical study for relationship between vessel and lymphatic properties and tooth marks in human oral mucosa.
Eur J Histochem. 64(1):3095. 2020
  • 天野 隆皓 Amano Takahiro
天野 隆皓, 柳田 佳嗣, 小西 健一郎, 佐藤 圭佑, 赤井 隆司, 豊島 明, 須並 英二, 山田 大輔, 木村 浩一朗, 表原 拓也, 伊藤 正裕, 佐々木 愼.
東医誌 78(4):328-338. 2020
  • 西 智史 Nishi Satoshi
Nishi S, Hayashi S, Omotehara T, Kawata S, Suematsu Y, Itoh M.
Pelvic collateral pathway during endovascular aortoiliac aneurysm repair with internal iliac artery interruption: a retrospective observational study.
BMC Cardiovasc Disord. 20(1):480. 2020
  • 内田 俊輔 Uchida Shunsuke
Uchida S, Saimi M, Li ZL, Miyaso H, Nagahori K, Kawata S, Omotehara T, Ogawa Y, Itoh M.
Effects of phosphorylated estrogen receptor alpha on apoptosis in human endometrial epithelial cells.
Anat Sci Int. 95(2):240-250. 2020
  • 小関 泰一 Koseki Taiichi
Effect of forward head posture on thoracic shape and respiratory function
J Phys Ther Sci. 31(1):63-68. 2019
  • 西田 直弥 Nishida Naoya
Humeral head morphometry can predict the presence of subacromial spurs: measurements of dried bones from human shoulder girdles
Tokai J Exp Clin Med. 44(1):9-14. 2019
  • 河田 晋一 Kawata Shinichi
Kawata S, Marutani E, Hirai S, Hatayama N, Omotehara T, Nagahori K, Li Z, Miyaso H, Pieroh P, Naito M, Itoh M.
Spraying urea solution reduces formaldehyde levels during gross anatomy courses.
Anat Sci Int. 94(2):209-215. 2019
  • 関川 久美子 Sekikawa Kumiko
Sekikawa K, Moriyama H, Miyaso H, Osada T, Ueno R, Otsuka N, Itoh M.
Evaluation of Yanagihara facial nerve grading system based on a muscle fiber analysis of human facial muscles.
Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 276(7):2055-2060. 2019
  • 志保井 柳太郎 Shiboi Ryutaro
Anatomical relation between the accessory process and pedicle in the lumbar vertebrae
Anat Sci Int. 93(4):430-436. 2018
  • 山村 聡 Yamamura Satoshi
Investigations of cortical and cancellous clavicle bone patterns reveal an explanation for the load transmission and the higher incidence of lateral clavicle fractures in the elderly: a CT-based cadaveric study
Anat Sci Int. 93(4):479-486. 2018
  • 中山 祐介 Nakayama Yusuke
Positional relationships of abdominal aortic branches for contrast radiography of the inferior mesenteric artery using the coeliac trunk and superior mesenteric artery as landmarks
Okajimas Folia Anat Jpn. 93(4):139-145. 2017
  • 易 凱 Yi Kai
Development of heterotopic transplantation of the testis with the epididymis to evaluate an aspect of testicular immunology in rats
PLoS One . 12(5):e0177067. 2017
  • 橋本 俊彦 Hashimoto Toshihiko
Hashimoto T, Ishii T, Okada N, Itoh M.
Impulsive force on the head during performance of typical ukemi techniques following different judo throws.
J Sports Sci. 33(13):1356-65. 2015
  • 平栁 淑恵 Hirayanagi Yoshie
Hirayanagi Y, Qu N, Hirai S, Naito M, Terayama H, Hayashi S, Hatayama N, Kuramasu M, Ogawa Y, Itoh M.
Busulfan pretreatment for transplantation of rat spermatogonia differentially affects immune and reproductive systems in male recipient mice.
Anat Sci Int. 90(4):264-74. 2015
  • 石田 輝樹 Ishida Teruki
Ishida T, Takeuchi K, Hayashi S, Kawata S, Hatayama N, Qu N, Shibata M, Itoh M.
Anatomical structure of the subcutaneous tissue on the anterior surface of human thigh.
Okajimas Folia Anat Jpn. 92(1):1-6. 2015
  • 髙橋 哲也 Takahashi Tetusya
Takahashi T, Takeuchi K, Ito T, Hayashi S, Qu N, Itoh M.
Positional relationships of abdominal aorta landmarks for angiography: observations from the intravascular space.
Surg Radiol Anat. 36(7):681-8. 2014
  • メメット・クルバン Maimaiti Kuerban
Kuerban M, Naito M, Hirai S, Terayama H, Qu N, Musha M, Ikeda A, Koji T, Itoh M.
Involvement of Fas/Fas-L and Bax/Bcl-2 systems in germ cell death following immunization with syngeneic testicular germ cells in mice.
J Androl.33(5):824-31. 2013
  • ムヘタルジャン・ムサ Muhetaerjiang Musha
Musha M, Hirai S, Naito M, Terayama H, Qu N, Hatayama N, Itoh M.
The effects of adjuvants on autoimmune responses against testicular antigens in mice.
J Reprod Dev. 59(2):139-44. 2013
  • 近藤 誉一郎 Kondo Yoichiro
Kondo Y, Moriyama H, Hirai S, Qu N, Itoh M.
The relationship between Bell's palsy and morphometric aspects of the facial nerve.
Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 269(6): 1691-1695. 2012
  • 岡田 尚之 Okada Naoyuki
岡田 尚之, 橋本 俊彦, 寺山 隼人, 伊藤 正裕
関節外科31(7). 826-832. 2012
  • 西岡 かずあき Nishioka Kazuaki
西岡かずあき, 伊藤 正裕, 林 省吾, 平井 宗一, 福沢 嘉孝, 大滝 純司
医学教育 43(3):199-204. 2012
  • 田結庄 彩知 Tainosho Sachi
Tainosho S, Naito M, Hirai S, Terayama H, Qu N, Itoh M.
Multilayered structure of the basal lamina of tubuli recti normal mice.
Med Mol Morphol. 44(1): 34-8. 2011
  • 寺山 隼人 Terayama Hayato
Terayama H, Naito M, Qu N, Hirai S, Kitaoka M, Ogawa Y, Itoh M.
Intratesticular Expression of mRNAs of Both Interferon γ and Tumor Necrosis Factor α is Significantly Increased in Experimental Autoimmune Orchitis in Mice.
J Reprod Dev 57(2): 296-302. 2011
  • 平井 宗一 Hirai Shuichi  *香川大学医学部大学院医学系研究科からの国内留学生
Hirai S, Naito M, Terayama H, Ning Q, Miura M, Shirakami G, Itoh M.
Difference in abundance of blood and lymphatic capillaries in the murine epididymis.
Med Mol Morphol. 43(1):37-42. 2010
  • 王 恒孝 Wang Heng-Xiao
Wang HX, Yi SQ, Li J, Terayama H, Naito M, Hirai S, Qu N, Yi N, Itoh M.
Effects of splenectomy on spontaneously chronic pancreatitis in aly/aly mice.
Clin Dev Immunol. 2010:614890. 2010
  • 栗原 真由美 Kurihara Mayumi
Kurihara M, Qu N, Baik Hwan CHO, Kitaoka M, Ogawa Y, Yi SQ, Moriyama H, Hannno S, Murakami G, Itoh M.
Histological development of human testicular cords from 70 to 90 days of gestation.
Okajimas Folia Anat Jpn. 87(3): 103-108. 2010
  • 李 軍 Li Jun
Li J, Yi SQ, Terayama H, Naito M, Hirai S, Qu N, Wang HX, Yi N, Ozaki N, Itoh M.
Distribution of ghrelin-producing cells in stomach and the effects of ghrelin administration in house musk shrew (Suncus murinus).
Neuroendocrinol Lett. 31(3): 406-12. 2010
  • 易 望美 Yi Nozomi
Yi N, Yi SQ, Wang HX, Ogawa Y, Ohta T, Ozaki N, Itoh M.
Anteriorinferior pancreaticoduodenal artery running between the dorsal and ventral pancreas: morphological and embryological viewpoint.
Open Anat J. 2: 91-97. 2010
  • アリムジャン・サウット Alimujiang Shawuti
Shawuti A, Miyaki T, Saito T, Itoh M.
The pattern of the arterial supply of the pancreas in anthropoid apes, catarrhine monkeys and platyrrhine monkeys.
Okajimas Folia Anat Jpn. 6(3): 79-88. 2009
  • スチンブへ Sichen Buhe
Buhe S, Miyaki T, Saito T, Sawuti A, Terayama H, Naito M, Yi SQ, Itoh M.
A study of the accessory hepatic vein to segments VI and VII with a morphological reconsideration of the human liver.
Surg Radiol Anat. 30(3): 201-7. 2008
  • 曲 寧 Qu Ning
Ning Qu, Terayama H, Naito M, Ogawa Y, Hirai S, Kitaoka M, Shuang-Qin Yi, Itoh M.
Caput epididymitis but not orchitis was induced by vasectomy in a murine model of experimental autoimmune orchitis.
Reproduction 135: 859-866. 2008
  • 内藤 宗和 Naito Munekazu
Naito M, Terayama H, Hirai S, Ning Qu, Moriyama H, Itoh M.
The presence of intra-tubular lymphocytes in normal testis of the mouse.
Okajimas Folia Anat Jpn. 85(3): 91-96. 2008
  • 髙橋 幸道 Takahashi Kodo
Takahashi K, Naito M, Terayama H, Qu N, Cheng L, Tainosho S, Itoh M.
Immunomorphological aspects of the tubuli recti and the surrounding interstitium in normal mice.
Int J Androl. 30(1): 21-7. 2007
  • 三浦 由美 Miura Yumi
Miura Y, Naito M, Ablake M, Terayama H, Shuang-Qin Yi, Qu N, Cheng L, Suna S, Jitsunari F, Itoh M.
Short term effects of di-(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP) on testes, liver, kidneys and pancreas in mice.
Asian J Androl. 9(2): 199-205. 2007
  • 林 省吾 Hayashi Shogo
Hayashi S.
Histology of the human carotid sheath revisited.
Okajimas Folia Anat Jpn. 84(2): 49-60. 2007
  • マイラ・アブラケ Maira Ablake
Ablake M, Itoh M, Terayama H, Hayashi S, Shoji S, Naito M, Takahashi K, Suna S, Jitsunari F.
Di-(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate induces severe aspermatogenesis in mice, however, subsequent antioxidant vitamins supplementation accelerates regeneration of the seminiferous epithelium.
Int J Androl. 27(5): 274-281. 2004
  • 金子 哲史 Kaneko Tetsushi
Kaneko T, Itoh M, Nakamura Y, Iimura A, Hayashi S, Takahashi K, Stivala F, Bendtzen K, Nicoletti F.
Proinflammatory effects of exogenously administered IL-10 in experimental autoimmune orchitis.
Cytokine 22(1-2): 50-53. 2003