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東京医科大学 皮膚科学教室
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2009年 東京医科大学皮膚科 業績

1) Tsuboi R, Arano O, Nishikawa T, Yamada H, Katsuoka K: Randomized clinical trial comparing 5% and 1% topical minoxidil for the treatment of androgenetic alopecia in Japanese men. J Dermatol 36: 437-446, 2009.
2) Ochiai T, Nakano H, Rokunohe D, Akasaka E, Toyomaki Y, Mitsuhashi Y, Sawamura D: Novel p.M1T and recurrent p.G301S mutations in cathepsin C in a Japanese patient with Papillon-Lefévre syndrome: Implications for understanding the genotype /phenotype relationship. J Dermatol Sci 53: 73-75, 2009.
3) Okita H, Ikeda Y, Mitsuhashi Y, Namikawa H, Kitamura Y, Hamasaki Y, Yamazaki S, Hatamochi A: A novel point mutation at donor splice-site in intron 42 of type Ⅲ collagen gene resulting in the inclusion of 30 nucleotides into the mature mRNA in a case of vascular type of Ehlers-Danlos syndrome. Arch Dermatol Res 302: 395-399, 2009.
4) Nakano H, Nakamura Y, Kawamura T, Shibagaki N, Matsue H, Aizu T, Rokunohe D, Akasaka E, Kimura K, Nishizawa A, Umegaki N, Mitsuhashi Y, Shimada S, Sawamura D: Novel and recurrent nonsense mutation of the SLC39A4 gene in Japanese patients with acrodermatitis enteropathica. Br J Dermatol 161: 184-186, 2009.
5) Nagase T, Katsura Y, Iwaki Y, Nemoto K, Sekine H, Miwa K, Noritake M, Matsuoka T, Oh-i T, Kou K, Iwaya K: The insulin ball. Lancet 373: 184, 2009.
6) Yoshimura K, Meckel KF, Laird LS, Chia CY, Park JJ, Olino KL, Tsunedomi R, Harada T, Iizuka N, Hazama S, Kato Y, Keller JW, Thompson JM, Chang F, Romer LH, Jain A, Donahue CI, Oka M, Pardoll DM, Schulick RD: Integrin α2 mediates selective metastasis to the liver. Cancer Res 69: 7320-7328, 2009.
7) Ito T, Nishiyama C, Nakano N, Nishiyama M, Usui Y, Takeda K, Kanada S, Fukuyama K, Akiba H, Tokura T, Hara M, Tsuboi R, Ogawa H, Okumura K: Roles of PU.1 in monocyte- and mast cell-specific gene regulation: PU.1 transactivates CllTA plV in cooperation with lFN-γ. Int Immunol 21: 803-816, 2009.
8) Miyamoto M, Tsuboi R, Oh-i T: Case of acquired trichorrhexis nodosa: Scanning electron microscopic observation. J Dermatol 36: 109-110, 2009.
9) Kamogawa S, Kagami K, Maeda M, Arai K, Okubo Y, Tsuboi R, Hirano T: Suppressive efficacy of roxithromycin against human peripheral-blood mononuclear cells stimulated with hemolytic streptococci superantigen. Eur J Pharmacol 602: 439-447, 2009.
10) Hayashi K, Yamamoto T, Oyama K, Nagai T, Tsuboi R: Epidermotropic skin metastasis from gastric cancer: immunohistochemical analysis using cytokeratins. Clin Exp Dermatol 34: 406- 408, 2009. 
11) Oiso N, Kishida K, Fukai K, Motokawa T, Hosomi N, Suzuki T, Mitsuhashi Y, Tsuboi R, Kawada A: A Japanese piebald patient with auburn hair colour associated with a novel mutation p.P832L in the KIT gene and a homozygous variant p.l120T in the MC1R gene. Br J Dermatol 161: 468-469, 2009.
12) Matsumoto Y, Oh-i T, Nagai A, Ohyama F, Ooishi T, Tsuboi R: Case of cutaneous Scedosporium apiospermum infection successfully treated with voriconazole. J Dermatol 36: 98-102, 2009.
13) Miyakura T, Yamamoto T, Okubo Y, Ishii N, Oyama B, Hashimoto T, Tsuboi R: Pemphigus foliaceus with prominent neutrophilic pustules initially presenting as erythroderma. Clin Exp Dermatol 34: 46-49, 2009.
14) Uchiyama M, Tsuboi R, Mitsuhashi Y: Athlete`s nodule. J Dermatol 36: 608-611, 2009.
15) Iriyama T, Takeda K, Nakamura H, Morimoto Y, Kuroiwa T, Mizukami J, Umeda T, Noguchi T, Naguro I, Nishitoh H, Saegusa K, Tobiume K, Homma T, Shimada Y, Tsuda H, Aiko S, Imoto I, Inazawa J, Chida K, Kamei Y, Kozuma S, Taketani Y, Matsuzawa A, Ichijo H: ASK1 and ASK2 differentially regulate the counteracting roles of apoptosis and inflammation in tumorigenesis. EMBO J 28: 843-853, 2009.
16) Yamamoto M, Yamamoto T, Tsuboi R: Discoid lupus erythematosus in a patient with scleroderma and hepatitis C virus infection. Rheumatol Int 30: 969-971, 2009.
17) Nakanishi J, Yamamoto M, Koyama J, Sato J, Hibino T: Keratinocytes synthesize enteropeptidase and multiple forms of trypsinogen during terminal differentiation. J Dermatol 130: 944-952, 2009.
18) Kamata Y, Taniguchi A, Yamamoto M, Nomura J, Ishihara K, Takahara H, Hibino T, Takeda A: Neutral cysteine protease bleomycin hydrolase is essential for the breakdown of deiminated filaggrin into amino acids. J Biol Chem 284: 12829-12836, 2009.
19) Ebihara M, Makimura K, Sato K, Abe S, Tsuboi R: Molecular detection of dermatophytes and nondermatophytes in onychomycosis by nested polymerase chain reaction based on 28S ribosomal RNA gene sequences. Br J Dermatol 161: 1038-1044, 2009. 
20) Hachiya A, Sriwiriyanont P, Fujimura T, Ohuchi A, Kitahara T, Takema Y, Kitzmiller WJ, Visscher MO, Tsuboi R, Boissy RE: Mechanistic effects of long-term ultraviolet B irradiation induce epidermal and dermal changes in human skin xenografts. Am J Pathol 174: 401-413, 2009.
21) Hachiya A, Sriwiriyanont P, Kobayashi T, Nagasawa A, Yoshida H, Ohuchi A, Kitahara T, Visscher MO, Takema Y, Tsuboi R, Boissy RE: Stem cell factor-KIT signalling plays a pivotal role in regulating pigmentation in mammalian hair. J Pathol 218: 30-39, 2009.
22) Sriwiriyanont P, Hachiya A, Pickens WL, Moriwaki S, Ohuchi A, Kitahara T, Takema Y, Kitzmiler WJ, Visscher MO, Bello A, Tsuboi R, Kobinger GP: Lentiviral vector-mediated gene transfer to human hair follicles. J Invest Dermatol 129: 2296-2299, 2009.
23) Sugiyama-Nakagiri Y, Sugata K, Hachiya A, Osanai O, Ohuchi A, Kitahra T: Ethnic differences in the structural properties of facial skin. J Dermatol Sci 53: 135-139, 2009.
24) Murase D, Hachiya A, Amano Y, Ohuchi A, Kitahara T, Takema Y: The essential role of p53 in hyperpigmentation of the skin via regulation of paracrine melanogenic cytokine receptor signaling. J Biol Chem 284: 4343-4353, 2009.
25) Koga H, Nanjoh Y, Makimura K, Tsuboi R: In vitro antifungal activities of luliconazole, a new topical imidazole. Med mycol 47: 640-647, 2009.
26) 大久保ゆかり, 古賀道之, 坪井良治: スプラタストトシル酸塩のアトピー性皮膚炎に対する臨床効果と血清好酸球顆粒タンパク(MBP, ECP, EPX)への影響について. Prog Med 29: 3121-3125, 2009.
27) 大久保ゆかり, 夏目尚子, 臼井佳恵, 坪井良治: 被髪頭部の尋常性乾癬に対するマキサカルシトールローションとステロイドローションの併用からマキサカルシトールローション単独への切り替え療法の検討. 皮病診療 31: 1446-1451, 2009.
28) 倉繁祐太, 織田裕子, 今村亨, 坪井良治: 創傷治癒過程におけるfibroblast growth factor (FGF) -7ファミリー蛋白の局在.東医大誌 67: 176-183, 2009
29) 下方征, 齋藤万寿吉, 入澤亮吉, 坪井良治: 東京医科大学病院で過去4年間に経験した肛門部尖圭コンジローマ55症例の検討. 日皮会誌 119: 2371-2374, 2009.
30) 佐藤公美子, 海老原睦人, 山﨑正視, 槇村浩一, 安部茂, 坪井良治: nested PCR法を用いた爪白癬の菌種同定と治癒判定の試み. 東医大誌 67: 299-305, 2009.
31) 前田龍郎, 坪井良治, 山本俊幸: ブレオマイシン反復注射による皮膚硬化創傷治癒遅延マウスにおけるbFGF(フィブラスト®スプレー)の創傷治癒促進効果の解析. 皮膚の科学8(増): 46-51, 2009.