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2012年 東京医科大学皮膚科 業績

1) Tsuboi R, Itami S, Inui S, Ueki R, Katsuoka K, Kurata S, Kono T, Saito N, Manabe M, Yamazaki M: Guidelines for the management of androgenetic alopecia (2010). J Dermatol 39: 113-120, 2012.
2) Koga H, Nanjoh Y, Kaneda H, Yamaguchi H, Tsuboi R: Short-term therapy with luliconazole, a novel topical antifungal imidazole, in guinea pig models of tinea corporis and tinea pedis. Antimicrob Agents Chemother 56: 3138-3143, 2012.
3) Yokose U, Hachiya A, Sriwiriyanont P, Fujimura T, Visscher MO, Kitzmiller WJ, Bello A, Tsuboi R, Kitahara T, Kobinger GP, Takema Y: The endogenous protease inhibitor TIMP-1 mediates protection and recovery from cutaneous photodamage. J Invest Dermatol 132: 2800-2809, 2012.
4) Ahn HK, Suh C, Chuang SS, Suzumiya J, Ko YH, Kim SJ, Huh JR, Yoon DH, Oh SY, Kim JS, Lee SI, Park KW, Hsieh PP, Nakamura S, Yoshino T, Ito K, Nagatani T, Oshimi K, Suzuki R, Kim WS: Extranodal natural killer/T-cell lymphoma from skin or soft tissue: suggestion of treatment from multinational retrospective analysis. Ann Oncol 23: 2703-2707, 2012.
5) Kawaguchi M, Hayashi M, Murata I, Hozumi Y, Suzuki N, Ishii Y, Wataya-Kaneda M, Funasaka Y, Kawakami T, Fukai K, Ochiai T, Nishigori C, Mitsuhashi Y, Suzuki T: Eleven novel mutations of the ADARI gene in dyschromatosis symmetrica hereditaria. J Dermatol Sci 66: 244-245, 2012.
6) Tanaka A, Yamazaki M, Saito M, Oh-i T, Watanabe Y, Tsuboi R: Highly sensitive high-pressure liquid chromatography with ultraviolet light method detected the reduction of serum nitrite/nitrate levels after cold exposure in patients with Raynaud's phenomenon. J Dermatol 39: 889-890, 2012.
7) Wada H, Tsuboi R, Kato Y, Sugaya M, Tobinai K, Hamada T, Shimamoto T, Noguchi K, Iwatsuki K: Phase I and pharmacokinetic study of the oral histone deacetylase inhibitor vorinostat in Japanese patients with relapsed or refractory cutaneous T-cell lymphoma. J Dermatol 39: 823-828, 2012.
8) Yokogawa N, Kato Y, Sugii S, Inada S: Response to hydroxychloroquine in Japamese patients with systemic lupus erythematosus using the cutaneous lupus erythematosus disease area and severity index (CLASI). Mod Rheumatol 22: 249-255, 2012.
9) Ito T, Smrž D, Jung MY, Bandara G, Desai A, Smržová Š, Kuehn HS, Beaven MA, Metcalfe DD, Gilfillan AM: Stem cell factor programs the mast cell activation phenotype. J Immunol 188: 5428-5438, 2012.
10) Irisawa R, Yamazaki M, Yamamoto T, Tsuboi R: A case of porokeratosis plantaris palmaris et disseminate and literature review. Dermatol Online J 18: 5, 2012.
11) Saito M, Yamazaki M, Maeda T, Matsumura H, Setoguchi Y, Tsuboi R: Pirfenidone suppresses keloid fibroblast-embedded collagen gel. Arch Dermatol Res 304: 217-222, 2012.
12) Matsumoto Y, Mitsuhasi Y, Monma F, Kawaguchi M, Suzuki T, Miyabe C, Igarashi A, Tsuboi R: Nephrogenic systemic fibrosis: A case report and review on Japanese patients. J Dermatol 39: 449-453, 2012.
13) Kurashige Y, Mitsuhashi Y, Saito M, Fukuda S, Hashimoto T, Tsuboi R: Herpetiform pemphigus with anti-Dsg 1 and full-length BP180 autoantibodies. Eur J Dermatol 22: 269-270, 2012.
14) Kurashige Y, Irisawa R, Abe N, Saito M, Tsuboi R: Two cases of malignant melanoma of the toe developed skin ulcers following local injection of natural beta-interferon. J Dermatol 39: 1037-1038, 2012.
15) Kurashige Y, Kariya T, Hirano H, Kawakami H, Minemura T, Nagatani T, Serizawa H: Primary mucinous carcinoma of the skin arising from an in situ component. Eur J Dermatol 22: 553-555, 2012.
16) Gao F, Miyamoto M, Ogata H, Tsuboi R, Mitsuhashi Y: Generalized lichen nitidus in a Japanese girl. J Dermatol 39: 185-187, 2012.
17) Uchiyama M, Egusa C, Hobo A, Irisawa R, Yamazaki M, Tsuboi R: Multivariate analysis of prognostic factors in patients with rapidly progressive alopecia areata. J Am Acad Dermatol 67: 1163-1173, 2012.
18) Uchiyama M, Mitsuhashi Y, Yamazaki M, Tsuboi R: Elderly cases of Churg-Strauss syndrome: Case report and review of Japanese cases. J Dermatol 39: 76-79, 2012.
19) Uchiyama M, Mitsuhashi Y, Okubo Y, Tsuboi R: Eosinophilic pustular folliculitis (Ofuji’s disease) without macroscopic pustules. Int J Dermatol 51: 50-52, 2012.
20) Yamamoto M , Miyai M, Matsumoto Y, Tsuboi R, Hibino T: Kallikrein-related peptidase-7 regulates caspase-14 maturation during keratinocyte terminal differentiation by generating an intermediate form. J Biol Chem 287: 32825-32834, 2012.
21) Wakamatsu K, Mitsuhashi Y, Yamamoto T, Tsuboi R: Propylthiouracil-induced antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody positive vasculitis clinically mimicking pyoderma gangrenosum. J Dermatol 39: 736-738, 2012.
22) Miyabe C, Mitsuhashi Y, Saito M, Tsuboi R: Novel mutation in the ATP2A2 gene in a Japanese Darier's disease patient with extremely hyperkeratotic lesions. J Dermatol 39: 401-403, 2012.
23) Zhang E, Tanaka T, Tsuboi R, Makimura K, Nshikawa A, Sugita T: Characterization of Malassezia microbiota in the human external ear canal and on the sole of the foot. Microbiol Immunol 56: 238-244, 2012.
24) 古川福実, 板見智, 伊藤雅章, 伊藤正俊, 上田説子, 漆畑修, 大井綱郎, 川島眞, 川名誠司, 田代博嗣, 坪井良治, 船坂陽子, 松永佳世子, 武藤正彦: 美容皮膚科診療に関する実態調査-日本美容皮膚科学会および日本臨床皮膚科医会の会員1132例におけるアンケート調査―. Aesthe Derma 22: 124-143, 2012.
25) 大久保ゆかり, 福地修, 伊藤寿啓, 奥山泰裕, 池田志斈, 坪井良治, 中川秀己: 尋常性乾癬に対するカルシポトリオール軟膏およびベタメタゾン酪酸エステルプロピオン酸エステル軟膏による異なる配合比率での外用療法の検討. 新薬と臨61: 2315-2323, 2012.
26) 林伸和, 小栁衣子, 乃木田俊辰, 藤山美夏, 川島眞: 尋常性ざ瘡を対象とした20%アゼライン酸クリーム(DRX AZAクリア)の基剤対照評価者盲検無作為化左右比較試験. Aesthe Derma 22: 40-49, 2012.
27) 内山真樹, 堺則康, 坪井良治, 三橋善比古: レックリングハウゼン病の遺伝カウンセリング~病気の告白について難渋した例~. 日レ病会誌 3: 78-80, 2012.
28) 宝田英子, 齋藤万寿吉, 三橋善比古, 山元泰之, 福武勝幸, 坪井良治: 東京医科大学病院におけるHIV感染者に発症した帯状疱疹70症例の検討. 日皮会誌 122: 619-623, 2012.
29) 白井浩平, 齋藤万寿吉, 入澤亮吉, 坪井良治: 東京医大病院皮膚科におけるHIV患者に生じた尖形コンジローマの検討. 皮病診療 34: 1237-1241, 2012.